Saturday, November 5, 2011

"If every husband and every wife would constantly do whatever might be possible to ensure the comfort and happiness of his or her companion, there would be very little, if any, divorce. Argument would never be heard. Accusations would never be leveled. Angry explosions would not occur. Rather, love and concern would replace abuse and meanness."

Today I was sealed in the LDS temple not only to my husband, but to my best friend.
I have never grown up with strong religion of any sort, in fact it was never discussed in my house. I was baptized due to my grandma making sure it happened, because she knew the importance. I realized today how truly greatful I am for everyone in my life! All the good, and also the bad. People all over have been such wonderful examples.
My Nanny :D she is so great and has been my number one example! She has taught me to never ever give up no matter how much flack she got she always stood up for the gospel. She never once folded under pressure and always kept her head held high. I love her so much and am so greatful for the example she has set for me.

Also my coaches, Coach Harry and Coach Johnson, they as well have been great examples to me! I love them so much. They never even talked about the church with me, but they always always have been amazing examples of how the Latter Day Saints act and should act. They always supported me in everything I did and more than anything, they have always believe in me! :D
Also, My girls :) You know who you are! They have also been great examples. I am so greatful for them and for there strong spirits and great attitudes. They have always been there for me to show me how to act and what I should be doing. <3 you girls!

My Husbands great family. They have shown me what a true family is. How important the gospel is to make a family run. They have taken me into their home and treated me like I have always been a part of it. I realize now that honestly they could easily have chosen to hate me, but they did the complete opposite. I am so greatful for them and everything they have taught me. I love you guys! :D

Last but not least my Husband! He has taught me things about myself that I couldn't even have imagined a year ago. He has such a strong testimony and spirit, it blows me away. He always knows the exact right thing to say when I am frustrated or if I have a question. He is my rock and I am so greatful that he is mine.... for all time and eternity :D what an amazing thing the gospel is and how greatful I am for everything. I love love loveeeee my life <3

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