Lately I have had the burning question in my head. It's with me everywhere I go.... WHO CAN I INSPIRE? This leads to further questions, how can I inspire? Have I already inspired? And what will become of it? I do not know why or how or what, but I feel like I am suppose to change someone's life.. And I don't mean in a little way like smiling at someone who is having a bad day. I mean influencing their life in a HUGE way! Do I sound crazy yet :-) so hear I go trying in my first attempt to inspire or to help someone in a HUGE way or maybe even a little way ;-)
Lately I have been able to gain a new perspective on my life. The life I was living a year ago compared to the life I am living now is completely different. I always had this negative perception when I was asked about getting pregnant and my misscariage, I always walked away from those conversations feeling somewhat offended. But now I realize that I can use my story to inspire others in more ways than just one.
For instance; when I got pregnant I lost just about every friend I had. Then to my devistation I miscarried. When I miscarried I wanted so badly to have a friend there to hug me while I cried, or to tell me they were there for me... But plain and simple I did not. I wished so badly someone would see how bad I was truly hurting instead of judging my situation. I hope people who are not pregnant, but may have a friend who is pregnant or who has had a baby in high school to just take a step back and put your self in the shoes of that girl. Run through how you would feel if you were put in that situation. ( I bet you just judged again and thought you would never have sex so would never put yourself in that position guess what no one is perfect) I would encourage you to befriend someone in this position instead of delete them out of your life. Even something as simple as an email to let them no you are thinking of them would help I promise!
Also I hope one day we can all understand that other peoples expierence can actually teach us valuable life lessons. I loved seminary in high school, but dropped out early. I am sure they did not mean to make me feel awkward, but I was put in that position. My circumstances were different I do understand that. Yes I was a married high school student in seminary, and yes I had gotten pregnant and miscarried. I hope that church members can realize everyone has challenges, but it is up to us as members of the church to uplift and accept people with no judgement. I believe and no that God is the one and only perfect judge. Leave it to Him to judge people and instead lend a helping hand to someone who is struggling, you never know but you could very well be the person that helps them back on there feet. Realize that we were sent to earth expecting to have challenges put in front of us. I know we came to this earth knowing it would not be easy. The world seems to be getting worse and worse when it comes to temptation, but the truth is that it is a fact of this life no matter where you go or how much you try to hide from it, it is sadly apart of the world. So instead of judging and trying to hide you and others from it, LEARN FROM IT! Regardless of if it is your mistake or someone else's I promise you can take something from it.
So I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and to really get to know someone that you maybe would never think to talk to. They may even seem like they have the perfect life, but they really could be struggling and need someone to let them know they care. I encourage you also to make wise decisions, think three times before you act on a tough decision. And to everyone out there who is struggling, know that I think you are an amazing and beautiful person! Know that I have been there and I have felt that hopelessness you may be feeling, but I promise you with all my heart there is hope and happiness and I also promise that you can find it if you look hard. Never ever give up of your dreams. Tomorrow is a new day so wake up and hold your head high, but a big smile on the beautiful face, and follow your dreams!!
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